The Green Kitchen

Mostly green--and entirely vegetarian--cooking in a mostly green--and entirely awesome--kitchen in Brooklyn.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

So far I'm doing a great job of keeping my promise of more frequent posts, eh?


Things have been rather crazy in the life of the Green Chef lately-- a sweet kitty passed away, and a new job (yielding free private graduate school tuition) was procured. But I expect things to calm down soon, freeing up some mental energy I can put into my new website.

More interesting updates to come soon!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Darker Side of Organics

If you missed it, last week's issue of The Nation was the food issue, much to my delight. Well, perhaps delight isn't the best word, as much of the coverage was pretty depressing. Take, for instance, the story by Felicia Mello about the conditions inside a baby carrot processing/packaging plant:

Once the carrots pass through an opening in the side of the main building, they enter a world that seems miles away from the fields and orchards outside. Dozens of machines fill the chilly air with a deafening noise. Employees wade through pools of water several inches deep on the plant's rubber floor. There are carrots everywhere-- scattered on the floor, piled inside carts and vats, in heaps at the base of the metal equipment.

At the grading tables, the new arrivals float by teams of Latinas in masks and hairnets who separate the good ones from those with imperfections. Supervisors stand by to time bathroom breaks of no more than seven minutes and to scold the women if they speak or look up from their work.

Here, surrounded by the rhythmic thwack-thwacking of the machines, Beatriz Gonzalez stands for eight hours a day and sorts. Wearing rubber gloves and down ski pants to keep her warm, she deftly reaches into the orange tide, plucking out defective specimens and tossing them into a center tub. Years of performing this repetitive motion have swollen her forearms and left her with arthritis in her knuckles. When she started working in the [Grimmway] Arvin plant, she earned the state minimum wage of $6.75 an hour. Four years later, she makes $7.30.

A petite woman with fluffy bangs and rounded features, Gonzalez studied law in her native Mexico but left school for the United States in search of wealth. "Now," she says sadly, "I have neither money nor education."

Kind of puts you off baby carrots, doesn't it? I haven't been able to buy a bag since reading this, opting instead for the whole, unpeeled variety. Up until recently I hadn't thought that the organic movement would have this problem, but apparently I was very wrong.

There is a movement to add "fair trade" label to food producers that meet the criteria; currently this label mostly applies to coffee, tea, chocolate, and fruit. You can find out which companies have fair trade certification here.

Friday, September 15, 2006

A scrumptious week

Mid-September is the absolute best time of the year-- produce-wise, anyway. I went to the food coop last night and was delighted to discover that I could buy beautiful, fresh, minimally-treated peaches AND the first special varieties of apples of the fall, like my beloved honeycrisps, at the same time.

Now all I need to do is find me a market that sells cherimoyas and I'll be all set.

The Green Chef introduces herself

Welcome to the new blog.

I've decided to ditch the old one for a few reasons, mainly because I think that with a more focused blog, I might be inclined to write more often. And since food and environmental issues are among my favorite subjects, they seemed like good topics for my new site.

"Green Kitchen" refers not only to environmentally sound/sustainable/organic food, but also, coincidentally enough, to the fact that my kitchen is quite green. This will allow me to cheat every once in a while and blog about whatever I happen to be cooking, eating, or dreaming about cooking and eating whether it's good for the environment or not. If I decide I want to try preparing endangered guinea fowl marinated in crude oil that was flown in small batches from ANWR in really wasteful packaging, I can go right ahead and blog about it here. Because dammit, I'll be preparing it in my green kitchen.

Actual content coming soon.