Eh, Fuhgeddaboudit
Hillarious article over at the NY Times about the new "Brooklyn Style Pizza" from Dominoes, the ad campaign for which irks me to no end. The gall it takes to claim that a pizza company as craptastic as Dominoes could imitate the heavenly deliciousness of Totonno's or Grimaldi's is amazing to me.
My favorite quote is courtesy our Borough Prez:
"It’s a multinational right-wing company, mass marketing the Brooklyn attitude with obsolete ethnic stereotypes, not to mention flimsy crusts," he said through a spokesman.
Mr. Markowitz has yet to taste the Domino’s pizza. But that didn’t stop him from offering an opinion: “To our sophisticated palates, Domino’s is about as Brooklyn as Sara Lee Cheesecake is Junior’s.”
I love the dig about the crust thrown in there. Crust is really key.
And one more disturbing revelation from the article-- if you still needed a reason to avoid Domino's, here it is:
The right-wing reference is to Domino’s founder, Thomas S. Monaghan, who sold the company in 1998. He has supported the anti-abortion organization Operation Rescue and earlier this year announced his intention to build a town called Ave Maria in Florida based on strict Roman Catholic principles.
Eewwww. Very against our principles here at the Green Kitchen.
Do you mean to say that real Brooklynites don't drive taxi cabs and hang slices out the window while being told to "fold it like a man" ?? I find that hard to believe...
Uh yeah.
Problem #1: Yellow cabs mostly stay in Manhattan. Not Brooklyn.
Problem #2: According to the Times article, the website sounds pretty racist. The black dude (yeah, just one) just drives around in a car blasting rap music.
Is this really what people think Brooklyn is like?
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